Install Your Child Theme On Another WordPress Blog

How To Install Your Child Theme on Another WordPress Blog

For every WordPress theme, you can generate the separate theme by inheriting the same design. To customize the parent theme, it’s always recommended to create a child theme.

Many people have questioned about the use of the same child theme on their different blogs. Do you know how to install your child theme on another WordPress blog?

You would be happy to know that a child theme can be used on as many blogs as you want.

One of our readers asked the same question.

What Do You Need To Do To Get Started?

There are basically two steps.

  • Download the child and parent themes from your current website directory.
  • Install both the themes in your new WordPress installation.

Before you even think about it, you should consider the things to do before changing your WordPress theme.

Child themes provide the freedom to do the customization with your parent theme. Do you know how to update WordPress theme without losing customization?

Well, a child theme can help you with this. You can get all the updates without even losing the customization because your parent theme doesn’t have any customization done.

The file of the parent theme will get updated and the child theme will inherit all the updates.

1. Download the child and parent theme from your current website directory.

Whenever you install a WordPress theme from the admin panel, it gets stored in its directory which can be accessed using the cPanel.

If you’re using a child theme on your current website then you can see the presence of both parent and the child theme.

To download these themes, login to your web hosting cPanel.

Go to files>>file manager>>wp-content>>themes>> and you will see the folders of your parent theme and the child theme.

Right click on each folder and compress those folders in the ZIP files. Compress one folder at a time. After that, download the ZIP files in your computer.

Keep those folders safe.

There is an alternative for this process.

If you know how to connect to FileZilla server with an FTP account then it can be done. Just like you open the wp-content folder, the same process should be followed.

2. Install both the themes in your new WordPress installation.

The first thing is to install WordPress for your new website.

To install the child theme, you have to install both the parent and the child theme. Just go to Appearance>>Themes>>Add New and choose the ZIP files from your computer storage.

NOTE :- You can’t run a child theme alone. You need the parent theme along with it.

If you install only the child theme, it will show an error “The parent theme is missing”. Most of the people make this mistake.

After installation, you will see both the themes available in the themes’ section. You can see the preview of the child theme to make sure, everything works fine.

If you don’t identify any problem, active the child theme and you’re good to go.

Do you know what would happen after changing your WordPress theme?

It’s because many people just change their theme with a child theme or any other parent theme without even knowing the consequences.

I Hope Now You Can Install Your Child Theme on Another WordPress Blog.

WordPress has spread its circle and more users are trying the new designs. Using a child theme is the solution to experiment with the design of the parent theme.

Many people want to inherit the same design to their new website. A child theme is portable and can be used anywhere you want.

Make sure that you download and install both the parent and the child theme together. Have you ever tried to install your child theme on another WordPress blog before? Isn’t that easy?

If you face any problem, feel free to contact us.

You can also connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and a LinkedIn influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is what he can rock with. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, theme development, design issues and what not.

One Comment

  1. Hey Ravi,

    It is really wonderful tutorial regarding this topic but from my opinion the child theme didn’t work with almost parent theme.

    If you are using another theme except twenty eleven paren theme, you need to modify the style.css in the child them to import your parent themes file.

    This tutorial will surely very helpful to install Child Theme on another WordPress Blog. Eventually, thanks for sharing.

    With best wishes,

    Amar kumar

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